A chance

Like many, I was completely swept up by the USA women’s ice hockey team last month. When I settled in to watch the gold-medal game against Canada after our own girls Varsity basketball team’s great CIF semifinal win against Maranatha, I was transfixed. And then came overtime. After goalie Maddie Rooney stopped the first shootout attempt, the smile that crept across her face was a refreshing combination of swagger and calm. The unabashed celebration that followed her final stop brought me up off of the coach more quickly than I have moved in quite some time.

Later in the week, I read an article about the team that described the chance that these athletes had embraced throughout their long journey to gold. Practicing for four years for a chance to make the team, then a chance to get out of the first round, a chance to play in the final game for a chance at gold. No guarantees.

Imagine if we all approached life and each opportunity we encounter as a simple chance and not something we deserve for just showing up. Think about the resolve we would nourish if we embraced these unexpected moments with optimism and a willingness to try without knowing what would happen next. A tenacious spirit might embed itself in all aspects of our lives. In conversations, our curiosity would flourish by embracing dialogue as an opportunity to learn something new rather than a lazy defense of what we already know or believe — a chance to listen, to learn.

A real value and privilege of being part of the Poly community are the chances we have to explore, to learn, to experience, and to play with a group of people who care deeply about each other and the power of education. The script is written by our optimism and courage to move through life without guarantee but with the confidence in knowing that we have learned what it takes to embrace the chances that come before us. How lucky we are!
