
List of 5 items.

  • Alumni Affinity Groups

    Poly alumni affinity groups provide opportunities for alumni of shared interests and common bonds to connect in meaningful ways beyond the traditional regional event structure. The groups promote continued engagement with Poly and an active relationship with the alumni community by promoting career development, learning opportunities, and volunteerism. Groups may be formed to represent an industry, professional interest, or a shared identity. View and join existing groups on the PolyConnect platform
  • Alumni Board

    For alumni who are passionate about Poly and desire to more deeply invest in shaping, building, and promoting our Alumni programs, the Alumni Board is an ideal leadership role. While serving on the Alumni Board requires a regular commitment of time, it provides a great opportunity to gain a big-picture understanding of our school's mission and core institutional priorities, be among the first to know about strategic decisions made by the Board of Trustees, and directly influence and positively impact our alumni programming. To learn more about the Alumni Board or to express your interest, please contact us at alumni@polytechnic.org.
  • Plan an Alumni Event in Your Area

    Several times throughout the year, the Alumni Association holds social events for alumni, parents, and friends locally, across the country, and internationally. We are happy to work with you to plan an event for Poly alumni in your area! Events can be an informal social gatherings in your home, office, or other institution offering alumni a chance to meet-up and make new connections. Please contact us at alumni@polytechnic.org to learn more.
  • Poly Fund Volunteers

    The Poly Fund is Poly’s top giving priority, and alumni volunteers are essential to the success of each year's fundraising campaign. Through peer-to-peer outreach, volunteers reinforce the efforts of the Advancement Office to communicate the value of investing in the School, educate alumni about the importance in participating in the Poly Fund, and securing crucial financial support to continue to enhance the Poly experience. For more information, contact advancement@polytechnic.org.
  • PolyConnect Online - Join the Network!

    PolyConnect is Polytechnic School’s private, online professional community of alumni. The platform is currently open to all alumni and Poly junior and seniors who apply to participate and join after a screening. Our alumni work in hundreds of career fields, and have unique experiences and paths to success they are willing to share. PolyConnect supports alumni to communicate, learn, and give back through meaningful individual connections.

    Alumni and students can utilize this platform in a number of different ways including:
    • Professional networking by making direct connections with alumni who will generously share their professional experience, knowledge, and insights; the platform automatically generates natural connections through an algorithm (via key questions) and flexible, search fields;
    • Discover alumni affinity groups based on professions, interests, or region;
    • Access educational resources, a discussion forum, and more!
    Signing up is quick and easy! Click here to get started.

Alumni Resources

List of 7 items.

  • Update Contact Info & Subscription Preferences

    We'd love to keep you updated! Email us at alumni@polytechnic.org with your current email, phone number, and mailing address. If you would like to change your communication subscription preferences, we can also do that for you. 
  • Submit Alumni News

    Email us at alumni@polytechnic.org to submit milestones or accomplishments, news stories of fellow alumni, or notify us of a bereavement. We welcome photos when available as well! If you are not signed up to receive our monthly Alumni, Friends and Family Newsletter, please provide us with your current contact information.  
  • Request a transcript

    To request a copy of your high school transcript, please email Claudia Jimenez, Upper School Registrar, at cjimenez@polytechnic.org.
  • Access an archived Oak Tree Times

    View the current and past issues of the school publication.
  • Subscribe to The Paw Print

    Maybe you were on the paper’s staff as a student or you enjoy reading students’ reports from campus. If so, you can subscribe to The Paw Print, the student-run paper of the Upper School, for $50 a year ($40 for alumni), by downloading the subscription form.
  • Join the Panther Club

    The Panther Club is a parent-led volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the athletic programs at Poly. Alumni, parents of alumni, and friends are invited to join this group of supportive Poly fans. Please click here for more information.
  • Shop at the Panther Store

    Show your Poly pride with the latest Poly gear from the Panther Wear Store. Proceeds support the athletics program.