So You Wanna Be a Pirate?

Instructor: Joseph Bacon
Grade(s): 2-4
Period: E
Duration: 3 weeks/ Sessions 1 & 2
Cost: $330
Ahoy there, mateys! If ye be ready for a life at sea, grab yer compass and prepare to set sail on an epic summer swashbucklin' adventure. We'll dive into a salty sea of creativity and project-based fun! As pirates-in-trainin', we'll choose seaworthy pirate names and craft our very own garb that'll make even the toughest scallywags jealous. But that's just the beginnin' me hearties! In this class, young adventurers will explore real pirate history, sing sea shanties, play games, and build projects as a crew. Perhaps we'll even discover buried treasure! Arrr!